The Medlar News Blog

Medlar has been publishing fishing books since 1994 and we are proud to have produced works by many of the finest angling writers. In our Blog we’ll give you an insight into the new books we’re working on, provide the occasional extract from our Books of the Week, author news, book reviews and loads of angling snippets (from how to fish to fishing history, fishing tackle, great angling literature and much more).

Go Fishing

Jon Ward-Allen
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Go Fishing

Jon Ward-Allen

Thanks to Keith Harwood who alerted me to these new rules

Well, I never! Another U-turn from our beloved leaders. No sooner had we been told we can't fish, now we can . . . more from Jamie Cook at the Angling Trust:
Statement from the Angling Trust
Update January 7th 2021

The Government have now formally responded to the representations made by the Angling Trust. We have promoted the huge benefits of fishing on individual health and wellbeing and have been able to present a case to which the Government have listened. On this basis I am pleased to announce that fishing will be permitted during the third national lockdown in England.

The Head of Sports Participation at DCMS confirmed the following:

'Fishing is allowed as exercise so long as participants adhere to the rules on staying local, gathering limits, social distancing and limiting the time spent outdoors.'

This has also been confirmed by DEFRA:

'The Cabinet Office have now officially confirmed that angling/fishing (including sea fishing off private boats) can be considered exercise and are hence permitted.'

We have worked extremely hard to reach this position and we as anglers have a duty to abide by the strict conditions under which fishing is once again permitted. With infection rates and death tolls rising we must stick to the Government’s rules and ensure that angling remains part of the solution and does not cause problems.

We are once again able to enjoy the sport we love at a time when many others cannot and we must ensure that every angler adheres to the rules.
I would ask all anglers who are not members to join the Angling Trust and give us your support. We have worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome and that is only possible thanks to the support of our new and existing members. I would ask all anglers who value their ability to go fishing to make the same commitment as your fellow anglers have and join the Angling Trust. We are stronger together!

Stay safe and very best fishes
Jamie Cook, Chief Executive, Angling Trust

Key points which will be reflected in new Angling Trust guidelines which will be published shortly:

1. This is a strictly limited resumption of LOCAL fishing and very different to how we have been allowed to operate since May.

2. We are in a National Lockdown and this must be respected. The law requires a ‘reasonable excuse’ to leave your home or penalties will apply.

3.The Government recognises that fishing can be seen as exercise, which is expressly permitted under lockdown rules, although outdoor recreation is not.

4. Organised sporting gatherings are prohibited so no match fishing.

5.The exercise is limited to once a day so no overnight fishing whatsoever.

6. To remain within the law you should follow the Government’s guidance, and only fish locally within the district where you live. If you have no local fishing available then you will have to take your daily exercise in other ways.
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